Hello, how are you? Everyday we are watching news of Coronavirus outbreak. "Pandemic" "Covid-19" "Lockdown" "Stay at the home order" "Buy up" Everyday we are watching negative news. We don't know when Corona shock is finish. I guess this situation will be very long time, a few month or half year? Please take care of yourself. This situation is very hard for freelance. Of course I am freelance too. But I am OK, our store will be alright. Why I am thinking about it? Because our store overcame hardships many times. I will write about we overcame hardships. Our store name is SASAKI-YOHINTEN. We started store in November 2014. And then my son was born in January 2015. My wife stopped her works a year for our son. She came back to our store the spring 2016. We were very good! But March 2017, our store was burned all. We lost our works, antique & vintage fabric...