Hello, how are you???

It's middle of November.

My pop up in Macau is till 15th November.

If you live in Macau and you didn't go to COL BLEU yet, let's go this weekend! 

And last weekend, my wife's exhibition was finished.
She looks like happy because she could back to market. 
She said "I want to go to market and want to sell more."
But our kids are small, we can't go to market of far place yet.
Anyway she got big succeeded!

And about my works, they will go to Hong Kong in December when Macau pop up finished.
Hong Kong pop up is around 2 weeks.
I will report about that next week, now my most important thing is Macau pop up. Please go to COL BLEU this weekend.

Anyway I am so busy, I am making my works everyday for selling on web store and for pop up.
Just 1 years before, I went to France for buying antique fabric and for exhibition.

This exhibition was held last year in Marseille.
I got email from Marianne Cat when my son and I were staying in hospital. "Please join us, we will hold exhibition , theme is Wabi-Sabi."
I was so happy when I got it. And I said "Yes!"

I was given from her a lot of things, connection to creators, rare experience and more.
Thank you so much.

And then, I visited to Paris I was wearing SUPER BORO BORO Jacket.
I was thinking about "I can get offer if I am wearing this jacket from owner of gallery" and "My works will spread to world if I can hold my exhibition in Paris." 
But this was wrong.
First, I can't speak english.
I can read english, I can write english, but I can't hear and I can't speak english.
I am learning english everyday.
I am posting on Instagram everyday in english, I am listing our items on Etsy in english and I am watching movie in english, but I can't speak english....

One day, I found "DMM Online English(950209469)". We can speak in english 24 hours to teachers of many countries.
I thought "This is very good! I will begin it after we moved new house."
But I didn't begin it. Because I am shy, and a little bit anxiety and afraid it.
But I understand. I need english skill for my business.
And finally I began it last week. 
Everyday I am talking to teacher each 30 min.
I am very fun, I am good I could begin it.
I think about my english skill is similar 2-3 years old kids. 
I don't think shame, I have to learn more , and then if I will visit to some countries for my exhibition someday I want to tell about my works in english to customers.
My next years goal is my english skill will be same as 4 years old kids. 
I do my best!!!
Thank you!

12/11/2020 Mitsugu Sasaki




Power of sentence/文章の力
